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Tobias 1104~4Y
Interesting that you say it's harder to parse the sentences when they're split up like this; I definitely get what you mean, but I did this because I could imagine people complaining about being bombarded with stressful chunks of text otherwise!

A couple of people also mentioned that just having one bloop for the dialogue WASN'T ENOUGH, and that I should add some prolonged gabble effect (as I call it; I don't know what it'd actually be called) like in Animal Crossing and they mentioned Undertale, though since I've still not played that I don't know how it does it. But there's no pleasing everyone! I've noticed with this that it felt extremely jarring for a day or two after adding it since it was new and different, but now I'm used to it, it'd feel wrong without it. I'll probably have an option for it, like I think Yooka-Laylee did?

That's a good question about excitement and Ossoum, which I have yet to consider! It'd make sense for him to be outside that system, but it's also a bit weird to introduce it then have one of the few main characters completely ignore it! I suppose Meraeadyth in TD was similar, with her skills becoming more effective the less she was excited (I think?).

I can see someone becoming a cult leader because they've never really had friends!

Is roadmap the term they use, then? And it sounds like it's something indie devs typically do? I really need to keep up with more of them so then I'd know these things! At least it'd be expected rather than annoying if I couldn't meet any planned deadlines though.
I think that for the text boxes, the solution would be a history log for dialogue. That way, if people lose track during a conversation, they can scroll through the previous statements to get a grasp of things. I'm pretty sure both MARDEK and Taming Dreams had functionality for that type of mechanic. I'm not sure whether Memody did too?

The way Undertale did it was that important characters had a few voice bloops that were chained together when they had dialogue, sort of like Yooka Laylee, but a lot less distracting than in that game.

Meraeadyth's skills indeed mostly worked best when she was calm, except for that one optional Sorrow skill in episode 3 that did work better when she was excited.

I've seen the term roadmap used before for this purpose, yes! It's not the only term, I think, so it's just one of several terms or it.