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Tobias 1104~4Y
This is why I'm using view counts rather than comment counts to gauge interest; I know there might not be much to say and it takes effort. Currently it looks like significantly fewer people are even reading what I'm writing, though. And it gets to me because more people were reading before, so something's changed somewhere.

I know that I need to set up the Discord, but while it might be simpler for other people to just pop in, I have to worry about finding moderators, community drama, and every morning I have to brace myself for some new community issue I might have to deal with. Once I open the doors to the public, I feel like I'll have to be 'always on guard' in a way I absolutely don't miss from the old Fig Hunter days.

Mr Epicbattlefantasyguy, as I believe he's legally called, has been actively publishing games in his series since the Good Old Days, whereas I never continued directly with MARDEK, so I'd say there's a big difference between his community and mine (plus he's made a comfortable amount of money from his games, unlike me).