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Comment from: Creative Envy
Tobias 1104~3Y
It feels weird to be so apparently obsessed with a real person who exists out there, and I do know where you're coming from with the interpretation that I've completely negatively idealised him. But I suppose it's like if some obscure scientist had spent years developing his theory of evolution, but had to refine it a bit before publishing, and in the time he was doing that Darwin came along and published the same finding. Maybe that obscure scientist would resent Darwin in a big way because it was as if he'd stolen the guy's big break, his one path out of poverty. Something like that.

You've definitely got a different conception of the term 'Chad' than I do! I'm familiar with evolutionary psychology and the biology of sexual attraction, and there are a ton of studies that show which traits people are attracted to cross-culturally and independent of their personality traits or life situation. Western women might settle for relatively nerdy thinkers when driven by mental ideals, but on a purely primal level they're viscerally aroused by the tall, square-jawed, muscular men, who they're more inclined to have quick, primarily sexual flings with while young so as to ensure the best genes for their offspring. "Chad" is a convenient and comical term for them! And I'm aware that I'm lacking in these traits that women are attuned to sexually prefer, so the idea that someone who'd already 'stolen my thunder' was also biologically blessed was mildly irriting. Mildly, though; it was more like an eye roll than some raving breakdown or something, to be clear! Maybe I should have just said it bothered me that he seemed 'good-looking' to avoid the connotations of 'Chad'.

Also, interesting that you're using past, emotionally potent experiences as a narrative basis! I'm doing that, and always find it compelling since the creator's writing from a place of real passion. I've also found that using these things creatively is an effective way to take their edge off; I've been doing that a lot with some private projects, and it helps enormously.