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Tobias 1104~3Y
I wouldn't have studied psychology if I didn't believe that all minds were complex, but a look at the world around us shows some people's thoughts are sharper, more original, and more nuanced than others, just as some people are taller, faster, or more compassionate than others. We're not all mentally equal, unpleasant a thought as it might be. That doesn't mean we don't have equal intrinsic value, though.

But now I'm worrying whether sharing this thing that resonated with my experience is just another thing that makes me look bad in the eyes of others...
Of course people are different and have different intrinsic talents! All I took issue with was the article's apparent claim that 'non-creative' people can't think for themselves. Don't worry, it definitely didn't make me think worse of you.
I wonder to what extent is creativity linked to mental illness... Perhaps it's the other way around; where creative people are said to have mental illness due to seeing "more" (deeper? significant?) things in the world than the normal person. Perhaps it's why we experience anxiety; we see more risks in certain things than others, because we can imagine them.

Perhaps the trauma that comes along with being different and being ostracized creates the "true art is angsty" thing, as well...