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Tobias 1104~4Y
My hope is to use a remake as a bridge between my old work and my newer ideas. It'd incorporate bits of both, to familiarise people with those ideas without putting them off completely.

Regarding re-releasing the originals, I'm aware of the risks of people pestering me about a sequel (or downvoting it because I'm not going to make one), but honestly I'm primarily thinking about money there. Several people have expressed interest in having it in their Steam libraries - I suppose that feels more 'official' than just downloading an swf from some Flash archive - and said they'd happily pay for just that. Since I'm struggling to make money from anything, it seems like it'd be worth a shot.

I'd make it as clear as I could that the re-release was to show the originals alongside the remake, rather than an intention to continue with them, but I know that'd just make some people say "well I can see the originals are better!!", or whatever, or they'd demand I stick with those anyway. Hopefully they'll be a minority.

I don't think there's an ideal way for me to make everyone happy and make some money from this old, once-popular project, but this solution is the best I've come up with to make something for everyone (including money for me), even if it's not making everything for everyone.
Okay, good luck in that case!