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Maelstroms do work well as area capstones considering how the taming mechanics work, it'd either have to be that or bosses that spawn minions that can be converted. I am guessing those will still exist, but probably only as plot-related bosses that are those personal manifestations of the party members and other notable characters.

I'm still not used to the sentiments being referred to as elements! Sentiments were a really fun idiosyncratic term for the typical elements, it feels like a shame to standardize it.

I don't think you've posted the art of those other pairings you drew. Maybe something you can post at some point over on Patreon?

Are those bestial faces on the mausoleum meant to represent some in-game creatures? I wonder. Also, pyramid-shaped roofs are the coolest shapes, because they're made of triangles, which are the coolest shapes.

Does the whole above ground segment take place during the day? I think that mausoleum would look a lot more flashy during the night when it'd be illuminated by the colour of the sentiment it represents. And when you finish a mausoleum, a GIANT BEAM SHOOTS OUT OF THE EYE ON THE ROOF, AND WHEN ALL SIX BEAMS COMBINE THEY WAKE THE GIANT WISH-GRANTING DRAGON. THEN YOU TAME THE DRAGON AND RIDE IT TO NAMEK. [LINK]

Do people really actually say fisting and mean fist-bumping? That's the second time I've seen that, and the first time was when Pierce said it.

I think I played SMECOF 2005X maybe once or twice. It's a game.

Hm, indie games. I did beat Iconoclasts, and warm up to it somewhat. I still think the mute protagonist was a mistake, but aside from that the game certainly goes in some wild directions and doesn't always play by the 'narrative rules of storytelling' which I could appreciate, even if it doesn't always exactly work. Plus it looks and sounds great, and it was apparently a 7-year long solo passion project! Looking at the credits, it seems he did everything except the publishing, porting, localization and testing.

I also played Smile For Me, a first-person point-and-click adventure game where you're a flower delivery person in a habitat for unhappy people run by a creepy smile-obsessed host, and you basically go around solving people's problems and making them happy. It took me about one day to finish the game and I enjoyed it a lot, I think it might be up your alley?

It's been some time since you last talked about CBC, I guess that one hasn't really been on your mind?
Tobias 1102~3Y
I'm using sentiments for the six I'll probably still use in Belief if I ever get around to doing more with that (Amity-Enmity, Joy-Sorrow, Lust-Fear). So there are both elements and sentiments! Elements makes sense though since this world is fundamentally made up of them in the same way some generic fantasy world might be made of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth (though do most RPGs that include elements even bother working them into their lore at all?).

I could post those on Patreon, good idea! I hope I remember it!

I just posted a revised version of the mausoleum on Twitter: it's now a pure pyramid surrounded by pillars, and it's (at least slightly) glowy even during the day! (The time of day doesn't change, though some are in the darker underworld.)

I had a look at Iconoclasts, and it at least seems visually impressive based on the screenshots. So I can imagine that'd draw people in. Seems to have a way-above-average number of reviews. He seems like a skilled creator, and seeing the work of solo creators like that brings out curiosity and jealousy. I want to know how they achieved what they did, to the point where I want to dive in deep and research them and the path they took, but the unavoidable comparison is so exhausting that I always ended up intending to play them 'later', like with Undertale (though that one was particularly aversive due to genre similarities).

I was wondering last night whether to play Stardew Valley next actually, since that's as impressive a solo success story as you can get. Feels like something that could never be completed though and I don't want to sink weeks into one thing...

I forgot about CBC; I've been too busy with Atonal Dreams and being depressed! I've been thinking I could put my old games on itch.io like I'm doing with the music on Bandcamp, but it'd take way more time and effort with probably just as little benefit so I'm not exactly jumping eagerly into it...