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Ugh, I can't express anything better than "I relate". But then again, maybe that's a reason to post these online anyway - to reach others who might relate. I don't have any fancy-wancy magical words that will help you feel better, sadly (there probably isn't, given how much of these things are probably environmental issues or some kind of mental blockade that can only be solved from within or something). But I can say that I relate a ton to all these issues (rumination, being distracted only by eating, etc)...

Please continue writing these posts if you can. I've been sharing tidbits of these to my friends because they express my thoughts in a better way than I ever could express them in.
Tobias 1104~3Y
Knowing that these posts are of any value to anyone and that you can relate actually does help a lot, and I appreciate it! I'll keep that in mind; I've not been writing many personal posts for a while because I just assume nobody will care, or they'll find it annoying listening to the same madness over and over. But annoyingly a lot of us have to listen to a horrible inner broken record, and hearing that ours isn't unique does help reduce the volume a little bit.