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I feel for you and I hope the headaches are just from anxiety. Hopefully the checkup will clear the air.

From a biological perspective, headaches can be a signal for the body needing something. From antedodes from Twitch streamers, some streamers get headaches to signal that they need nutients, because they have adjusted themselves to a live where they just survive off of those nutrient shakes just to keep streaming. It's gotten to the point that some don't even experience hunger, just the headache to signal it's time for more nutrients.

For people who wear contact lenses, those people may experience headaches, because their eyes are suffocating. Yep eyes breathe did you know that? Eyes can't communicate to the body because of the specific nerves we have to signal that we need oxygen, so what does the body do to signal the eyes need air? It causes a headache.

For my personal experience, I get headaches on occasion because I don't drink enough water or get enough sleep. I can feel thirsty, so it's not as bad at those Twitch streamers, but I do occasionally focus so much on something that the thirsty feeling goes away.

Maybe the headaches you're feeling could be that your body needs something? Here's hoping there's nothing wrong
Tobias 1102~3Y
I often wish someone had invented something like the Star Trek tricorders - probably as a phone app - that would allow us to just scan ourselves and get a reading of all our bodily stats, so we could see if we're deficient in anything. For all I know I could be getting too little of a bunch of things and that's the cause, but even though I either live in or am this body, I'm clueless about any of its stats so I don't even know where to start!

The thing about Twitch streamers makes their lives seem really unenviable to me as a general lifestyle - it's clearly tougher than it seems or sounds - but I do sort of envy that they know what the headaches are and what they can do about them, so they don't get lost in this spiral of wondering!

This is particularly annoying because it's different to what I'd consider to be a headache; it's more like a cold hand on top of my head rather than the throbbing pain of a 'normal' headache. I edited the post to include a link to a thread where another person was describing pretty much the same thing though, and it does seem to be anxiety-related. If only knowing that made it magically go away, though!