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Comment from: The Imminent Event?!?
Tobias 1102~3Y
I've always been annoyed by how boringly humanoid aliens in films and supposed encounters are! We all know the greys, but the other most common aliens in ufology are reptilian aliens, Nordic aliens, and 'tall whites', with the latter two literally just being humans but a bit taller. How unimaginative!

When I was little, I drew a lot of aliens, and I always made a point of making them different to humans because I was so annoyed by that. The weirder, the better! The lingon things I've posted a bunch of times were an example of this, though in hinsight they're more human than I'd like in general frame.

I thought the aliens in Arrival were a rare gem among all the annoying generic-monster-people that are used as aliens in much media!

I've heard theories about how the humanoid form is analogous to a soap bubble: it's the ideal form that just naturally develops every time. Or some people claim that the aliens are humans from the future, or they're Aquatics from Earth who live under the ocean, or whatever.

Some people speculate that the aliens people report meeting - specifically the greys - are actually robots, of a sort. Constructs. Maybe they've been designed after us on purpose, for whatever reason. Or maybe they're the gods that made us in their image and the Bible was right about that, kind of.

UFOs are often seen around military bases; the recent 60 minutes thing I linked to in this post involved some military guys speculating that they're essentially monitoring whether or not we're a threat. Could be that.

If they wanted to destroy or enslave us or something terrible though, they probably would have done by now. But they're probably as interested in that as we are in enslaving ants. Most people ignore ants, though a few devote their lives to studying them. Doesn't mean all of humanity cares about ants.
Oh yeah, I remember the Lingon! The ones that communicate with the eyes colours. That's a cool one for me because it is perfectly possible that aliens communicate via colours. We already have both land (chameleons) and aquatic (cuttlefish and octopuses) animals that have a form of communicating via colours. Yes the colour changing can be used for camouflage, but the primary use is to communicate amongst their species. So it's reasonable that if multiple creatures in really different environments do communicate via colour then it stands to reason that aliens can evolve a way to communicate in the same way.

It's a shame that too many alien designs are limited to bipeds because humans in makeup are the cheapest form of making someone an "alien". I'm looking at you Star Trek and Star Wars. >_>

So videogames are great in that they don't need a human in costume to mimic the movements of a creature. Subnautica does an amazing job with the life for their alien ocean. The one biped is the human player, so everything else is great with their variety of body shapes, behaviors, and sizes of creatures, landscapes, and plants. I'm not sure if you'll want to play Subnautica, because it's a game of survival with giant creatures, but the game does amazing with how they did their swimming physics, animated the creature , and created such diverse biology for their world.

Also in near the end game and DLC there are [spoiler] characters that also aligns with my hypothesis that aliens would have to be social creatures in order to be advanced enough to travel into space.