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Comment from: Weekly Update
The new visuals certainly lend substance to the world and make me feel curious about it! Up until now, most of the combat mechanics felt pretty generic presentation-wise, while this grounds the presentation in the setting and makes me go "huh, it's interesting that they do combat like that, I wonder how this world works" when looking at it!

I don't have any advice for the equipment, save for perhaps cautioning against overcomplicating things. An amulet + bracelet + clothes honestly feel like enough, with "equippable" miasmon being another facet of the equipment system and tied into progression. Having even more equipment pieces would just bloat it, I feel, and draw focus away from the core themes of the game. But perhaps you'll figure out something that works!
Tobias 1104~3Y
I've been planning to have six equipment pieces to match the number of skill slots as much as anything, so amulet (weapon), bracelet (shield), clothing, and three accessories. I'll likely give the accessories fairly minor effects, but it gives something to put in chests and give out as rewards!