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I know I found reventure because it was advertised in a humble bundle, and that may be part of why so many people played it despite it being fairly low budget. Have you ever considered trying to put any of your games in bundles like that for exposure? I'm sure there's a massive downside in terms of money per sale, but in terms of marketing it could be a good move? Maybe? Might be worth considering for older games like MARDEK or Sindrel. I think most people just really don't mind pixel graphics, and I don't think anybody expected anything seriously complex out of the game so it would be hard to let them down enough for them to leave a bad review. I guess the more ambitious a game becomes the more inevitable it is that it's going to fail SOMEBODY.

And if puzzles aren't your thing Witness may not be it for you. Exploring the world is beautiful and gratifying, but most of the game is just standing in front of a panel doing a maze puzzle, lol
Tobias 1104~3Y
I wouldn't have a clue how to get a game in one of those bundles! I've always assumed it'd involve more interacting with people than I can typically stomach - not just filling in a soulless form on a website or something - but maybe it's something I should look into at some point since I imagine there must be some benefits otherwise nobody would do them!