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Comment from: Kingdom Hearts' Intro
It’s great to see that you’ve chosen to play KH and even greater that you’re enjoying it! With regards to blogging your experiences, if you get something out of it and enjoy doing it, then know that you have at least one interested reader in me. It’s always enjoyable to read your analyses of media given how novel and perceptive they tend to be. Of course, if blogging makes the experience feel more like work and gets in the way of actually playing the game - definitely don’t. (Nonetheless, I will selfishly request a post at the end of each compilation at least…)

I do agree that the series has a habit of presenting itself to be quite deep without actually being so. I suspect the reason that Nomura often goes for surprising, off-kilter choices is to intentionally build ambiguity that can veer off into multiple directions. That way, starting from a few snapshot moments through the story, he can easily write in the blanks retroactively. Of course, some fans are also of the view that Nomura planned everything from the beginning and each design choice is intentional and deliberate. It’ll be interesting to see which opinion you hold by the end of your journey through the series.
Tobias 1104~3Y
I appreciate that you'd actually care to read these posts! I doubted as I wrote that that I'd be able to go through the whole lot without any more I wanted to say, and after playing the first one for just a few days, I've already got some thoughts I'd like to express in another post. So I'll write that soon!