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Comment from: Mental Piranhas
I believe because of my account on this site you already have my e-mail address if you would like to reach out to me anytime. I would be open to videoconferencing or videocalling on Skype if you would like to do that instead of email as well. I want you to know I am here and listening to you, but am also happy to share my life experiences and foster a friendship. While I do have many years of experience as a certified professional providing both financial counseling and life coaching services, my only intent is to offer a friendly face that is not seeking to "fix" you, since you indicated that has been a problem in the past to find. If anything, in both of said capacities, I've never found trying to "fix" anyone was either a successful outlook or endeavor, so hopefully telling you that gives you a little extra confidence that you aren't going to find that feeling with me. (smile) My best wishes to you on your future endeavors with this!