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Comment from: Exposure!
I have seen so many people trying to exchange free promotion for free stuff. However, those people have such a small following that it's pretty obvious that they only want free stuff. I'm guessing the idea of free promotion comes from people seeing big people like the Pewdiepie's, Jacksepticeye's, and Markiplier's, mention that a company sent them free stuff. But those influencers also said that they bought an extra copy/item because they really believe and enjoy the game/product. And also, there are laws where you have to clearly disclose whether you are sponsored by a product or not.

And with a free promotion the developer has more to lose, especially when it comes to the type of people who go around asking for stuff in exchange of free promotion.

I get what you mean about not wanting to "inflict" yourself on others. It's the "fun" thing about being an introvert :') (or a depressed one at least). If you spend too much time with people, then your social meter explodes, but then if you withdraw from people for too long then your social meter implodes.

I'm glad that you have a plan on how to approach the anxiety and avoidant personality disorder. :D