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I’ve been self-studying Japanese for about two years now. No burnout yet, but that’s probably because I limit myself to just 1 hour a day so it’s not exhausting. Probably can’t do that when the project is your source of income, sadly.

I also try to forgive myself if I miss a day. I think maybe one of the reasons breaks don’t often cure burnout is that devs feel guilty taking a break and try working extra hard to make up for it, bringing burnout right back. Push yourself, but don’t beat yourself up for taking a break!

Tobias 1102~3Y
I tried to learn Japanese once, but got exhausted within weeks because it's so different to English. So I'm impressed you've stuck with it so long!

There is a huge difference between a hobby and what's supposed to be a 'job', though, unfortunately... I've been trying to give myself time off when I need it without feeling too guilty, but I always imagine other people getting annoyed at me for not working all day every day (because some people back on Fig Hunter literally were like that to me).