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Found two more bugs by the time I completed the story:
3. The last two songs counted played notes before the partner started a measure as part of your response, despite being in the totally wrong time and place for that.
4. "End Song" doesn't work with the last song.
And not a bug, but I feel like the "Sing to Yourself" feature should be kept available post-story.

I don't want to sound like I'm only bringing criticism to table, so I'll reiterate, it was a lovely experience.
Tobias 1104~4Y
Thanks for reporting specific bugs, and for sticking with the game for long enough to complete the story! I'm really impressed by that; I think you're the first person to finish it so fast. I assume that means the difficulty wasn't insurmountable.

I'm quite burned out at the moment, so I've not had a chance to fix the bugs yet. I'll do that as soon as I can.
Haha, admittedly, I had to drop down to casual mode during the latter half of the story.

Even with infinite retries, it's a very interesting challenge, trying to memorize and repeat the melodies, when most rhythm games give you the answer up front.