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It's a shame that the break wasn't as restful as you wanted. Its interesting how different disorders seem to resemble each other. I have ADHD and Depression and I have noticed some similarities to Autism in some aspects, but the way how they are similar are really superficial since the causes come from different places. For ADHD and the example you provided, one of the suspected causes of ADHD is the lack of dopamine receptors in their brains. When normal people complete a task, they get a dopamine hit as a reward for completing the task, but for ADHDer's they recieve a smaller reward of dopamine after completion the task because their brains can't pick up all the dopamine they should recieve. A way to increase the amount of dopamine recieved wiuld be in add stress to a situation, because when you complete a more stressful task, you get more dopamine. For ADHDer's they would delay a task to give themselves stress so that they can get the "normal" amount of dopamine for completing the task. Hence why they wait all day for the thing at 1PM.

Since I don't have anxiety, I can only go off what I read and learned from other people. The way how I view anxiety would be like how your brain is like a car that's engine is on and the keys are in ignition. The brain is ready and raring to go at a moments notice at the expence of always spending "gas" at all times. That spending of energy can lead to spending time just waiting for something happen and so it ends up like your example.
Tobias 1104~3Y
I remember studying something like that about ADHD on the Psychology course, but it's a shame that I've forgotten so many details of everything!

That's a very apt description of what the anxiety's like, and it's frustrating since it's all so unconscious, not really under my control at all, as is the case with mental issues in general.