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Tobias 1104~3Y
And what would you find 'genuinely interesting'?
You're not actually looking for game making advice from me, I hope. Though, obviously, I have to go with Sindrel Song 2 for that one. That's what we're all waiting for over here.

Really, though when I say to prioritize the social over the work aspect, I mean developing your own interests and getting a feel for what people like in ways other than lurking forums. Some people are lucky enough to have their work immediately find an audience and connect with people, you've lost that connection over the years. Think about it, even if you had AD done and marketed it for a month or so, would you get anywhere near the sales than even the MARDEK re-release got?

The time for M4 has passed, clearly, so I'm not going to mention that. But if you can somehow get more eyes on you through some smaller projects that try to catch people's interest, then you have something to stand on to start working on a larger project like AD. You've had interesting ideas in the past, like your RPG-making thing, and you had like a tribe evolution thing at some point? You keep talking about other stuff you work on that you're too anxious to show people, so there's probably something there too. Hey, maybe there is an interesting take you can do on Digimon, I don't know! But that's what I mean when I say you need to go out and connect with others in this space. Not just to connect with an audience, but to connect with other creators as well and expand your horizons again. As you say, you're clearly not incapable. That's gotta to be your priority. If you take any advice, take that.