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Unfortunately the website caches the selection on the back end so I can't directly link you the page with that selection! It does allow you to 'save' a quote by emailing it, though. I can save it and email you, if you like (or alternatively I got a quote number "2223243") - incidentally it seems the price has gone down slightly since I did that quote - and I can upgrade the SSD to 2TB with a total of £2,587.00.

SSDs are a lot better than old hard disks, but most of that comes from read and write speed. In the 'old days' (ten years ago) you'd have your OS on a small SSD (and maybe a game you regularly play to reduce asset load times), anything else would go on a hard disk. This was due to the small capacity of SSDs, the high cost, and the fact SSDs have a limited number of reads and writes (but don't worry - it's not a small amount). I'd recommend to take the same approach these days, if you can. There's no point having high quality video, or photographs, on an SSD. SSDs are a lot better than regular hard disks but most reasons to have a high storage capacity aren't a reason to have SSDs.