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Tobias 1102~2Y
The way you're supposed to do it is to export as MusicXML files - which are described as the intended way to exchange data between programs - but actually getting those files means opening everything in Sibelius first, then exporting, which takes time and requires me to keep Sibelius installed. Plus I was experimenting with it yesterday, and importing either midi or MusicXML files from Sibelius to MuseScore results in a lot of lost or garbled data, especially with the layout. So it's something that can be worked around, but not simply.

When you listen to the music that I compose these days, do you get the impression that I'm clueless about music theory? Because that's what it sounds like here. I used to be, when I started, but I've been doing this for almost two decades, and I've learned a lot in that time.

The challenge here is that each character plays the same 2- or 4-bar melody every time, starting over a random bar of a looping section, so the notes of those melodies are sometimes harmonious with the chords below, and sometimes slightly dissonant, especially if I try to include a chord outside the key (which happens on a couple of bars during the loop in the video). My hope is that the melody notes might register as part of extended chords (9th, 11th, 13th, etc), but due to familiarity that builds from listening to the loop many times - as you would if you had a bunch of battles - they don't 'feel' like them to me. But I also hope this is something other people wouldn't notice or care about as much as I do.