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For me, I play games every day. It's one of the few things that I look forward to aside from reading or crocheting. Though concerningly, I have developed a sudden lack of interest in gaming. Best guess is that my Depression is taking a downturn so I hope that therapy and meds can get me through this, because not gaming at all is really out of character for me.

I use discord every day just to see how people are doing. Personal servers between friends are great in that there isn't a lot of "spam" for attention unlike in larger servers. The larger public servers feel, to me, like going into a crowded party. Due to my introverted nature, it's very difficult for me to integrate myself into a large group of people.

For your feelings of not wanting to play new games for research, it seems to me that instead of having fun playing the game it seems more like a chore/job for you. Which, unfortunately, leads to procrastinating on playing said games. I have also felt that recently, though I am not 100% sure why. I know I had fun playing Pokemon Ledgends Arceus, but I haven't picked it up in like 2 weeks.

As far as I can tell for creators with public discords, they ocasionally show up for anouncements on their new stuff but don't interact with the discord on the daily. It makes sense for me since if they spend all their time on discord, then they are not creating stuff which is the reason why people joined.