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What I wanted to say, other than my opinion on games and socialization, is this:

Did you ever consider doing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? ever heard of it?

I've been doing a course and watching many lectures on neuroscience and I find it very fascinating, I always knew a decent amount of the topic from just being exposed to the right things, and really liked reading some interesting articles, but it is very fascinating, and it could help you maybe? because I think maybe the Fig Hunter experience might have been quite traumatic for you?

Also, another interesting thing, dopamine and general health, there are a few questions I'd like to ask you, and no this is not the silicon valley guru sort of talk about dopamine being pleasure and you being addicted to this, this is bullshit, this is pseudoscientific and wrong.
How is your sleep schelude? ever heard of the circadian rhythm?
Do you work out? ever tried? as uncomfortable as it might be, it is very healthy for the mind.

And most importantly, what do you eat? do you eat? are you getting a decent aminoacid input? because to me, your lack of motivation does not seem to be only about being avoidant (I think just saying that is a bit bullshit, psychology fails to explains things in technical ways and often is a terrible science, there is an article I read a long time ago about p hacking and such and psychology has so many bullshit articles and publications that are often believed upon, and just categorizing things does not do much.
But what I want to say is that, aminoacids turn into levodopa/L-DOPA, which turns into dopamine, which actually regulates motivation, not pleasure or any of that, and how much one is willing to do things with long term results is related to this, and of course, the mesocortical and mesolimbic pathways, and a few other things.
Maybe you just have low dopamine levels and this is why you struggle to work on your games? or maybe it is a bit deeper than this, did you ever take adderall and/or whatever amphetamines in your depression treatement I assume you had? maybe this is related to the brain tumor?
You could try measuring them, but I don't know how trauma works and such, but CBT (no, not cock and ball torture, someone might read this and think that, I don't know if someone will read this? COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY) is very solid at dealing with that sort of thing, and very scientific unlike a lot of therapy methods and treatement methods, also maybe you just have too much stimuli which is actually not affecting your dopamine levels, but your mesolimbic pathways incentive salience, and you might just be desensitivized by activities such as playing videogames and whatever, but why? but this is less likely than what I mentioned before, but maybe it is a mix?

This is a lot of text, but I hope you at least read the later part about cognitive behavioral therapy and dopamine.
CBT is very useful for treating anxiety, depression, many personality disorders, INCLUDING avoidant personality disorder.




Often some of these articles will cover multiple topics, most notably the personality disorder ones with depression and anxiety, but anyway, check out COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY and READ WHAT I SAID ABOUT DOPAMINE AND THE RELEVANT PATHWAYS RELATED TO THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX.