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Very good news !!!

I'd suggest posting about the characters for the new year. Like 01/01/2020 about Mardek, then the rest of them. Also, maybe you could do so while "unshadowing" the silhouettes one by one ?
That'd be a great start for the year, and a good way to tease your audience ?

It'd be even greater if you could manage a demo by spring and release the game for summer :)

Hey, why not keep my hopes up ? After all, 2020 is "twenty twenty", there are 6 letters in twenty, you're planning on 2 trilogies, so i'd say that's a good omen !

Keep up the motivation and creativity !
Tobias 1104~4Y
That sounds like a good idea! Starting with these posts on the first day of the year, or maybe the second, and doing unshadowed versions of this image as I go.

It shouldn't take long at all to make a demo - like a couple of weeks, at most - because of how much I'll be able to reuse from Belief, so a spring demo is definitely achievable! I'm not sure about a summer release though; it depends on how well the re-release and Kickstarter go. They could give me a huge boost or be horrible unsuccessful and demotivating... I'll try to hope for the best.