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Hey Tobias, a few tips from what I've learned when dealing with this sort of thing:

Taking a break is not a bad thing inherently, it is good to help you "build" the motivation again, but you must not forget about what you were doing and maybe do something related, for example, if you are making a game, maybe play a game that is sort of an inspiration or similar to that game, it can get the creative process flowing a bit again, exactly coming out of the thing you mentioned last post: When you play a game knowing how they are made and mostly as a developer, you start to judge it and compare, and you cannot really escape that, but that is solid deep down, because it is your brain setting up your... taste, basically, to put in very simple ways.

But, according to some psychologists I know and to an extent some research, it is sort of better (sort because these are not the ultimate best most solid research published on Nature made by some fancy Nobel prize winner) to just like, brute-force it and try to work on it, because burnout is natural but it is like a piece of wood that is stopping to burn for some reason, you need to... get it to burn again and while it might be harder because maybe it is colder or something, it is still possible? and if you do long enough the night will pass and the temperature will rise again, or something like that but written in a fancy way but by a famous author with one of those pictures of the sky and it is like one of these images you see on LinkedIn posts (which you probably don't know because you do not use LinkedIn, which is not a bad thing).

Anyway, one thing I wanted to mention in that last post I wrote is about discipline, and while most people have an idealized view of discipline, it naturally comes from patterns and routines you set the brain, there is solid research on this, I think for you to be productive it is good for you to set your days in a specific pattern, so your brain can recognize that and sorta do it in automatic, like start by waking up the same time every day (this is healthy in other ways), like lets say 9AM, then early on you think a bit to yourself and check some things, then most people would go and do like physical exercise (most people would wake up earlier) or something, then eat, then start working.
What you can do is like, sort of just think and ponder and check things during that time, just an example, and THEN after your mind is already like... sorta going, you start working and every single day you take at least like some time to do SOMETHING in the game, which is hard to do when you just finished a big system and need to start something big, but here is the catch: DOING THE FIRST FEW STEPS AND GOING TO DO THEM SORTA BOOSTS YOUR DOPAMINE MESSAGING (like this is a terrible of way to say that the pathways activate and your brain kinda gets you hyped), the reason routine is good for this is because this will basically always happen without you really stopping and judging if it should happen, you just naturally cling to that, and the rest flows naturally.
Discipline comes in at setting the routine which can be hard, but maybe try doing something like this if you have not?

Also another very important thing, expose yourself to sunlight after you wake up! this is sort of weird but when the eyes see blue and white light it sorta boosts your motivation and not only dopamine levels but many other neurotransmtiters, which you get more "hyped" "motivated" "productive" whatever the fancy keywords are, this also will make one sleep better, since your brain sorta works on it's own clock (the circardian rythm), which is wrong and is a bit above 24 hours, which makes people who do not "regulate" it properly always want to sleep later and later, the way you "regulate" it is by keeping a sleep routine/pattern, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, getting sunlight, because it is what defines it.
But by getting sunlight, you do not need to go outside and like spend 4 hours outdoors doing outdoor things, just open a window and let light in, and at night expose yourself to less light because it will relax you and help you sleep better and deeper, which I don't know is an issue or not for you since you've never mentioned this.

Another thing, alwayas get 7-8 hours of DEEP SLEEP, it generally takes like 30 minutes for you to reach that state, less than that and OVER THAT AS WELL you will be less focused, productive and more prone to mood changes, which in your case would boost the lack of focus and productivity even more since your mood changes won't be like screaming at people as a douchebag company boss, but instead just being in your bed unmotivated or something within these lines.

Also do not stay in bed for a long time after waking up! that is not good for motivation! but this is not as solid as what I said before as in... the science of it.

I think a mix of these actions and what I wrote last time will greatly increase your mana regen, capacity and all of that! maybe you'll even unlock some new spells!

Now I'll speak purely about my own experience, I experience burnout and such, I myself am making a game and I've done much less than you, but what I do is that I consume the sort of media that influenced what I am working on, be it movies, books, youtube videos, and of course, games. It reminds me of why I am doing what I am and often gives me new ideas and such.
And basically all the other types in my experience which is often anecdotal evidence, works to an extent, some more than others.