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Hearing the way you talk about MARDEK 3's development, I really understand why you can't go back to it. It would be unhealthy to, given all the burdens associated with it.

The way you describe Eternal Cylinder's gameplay loop throws me for a loop! I'd think it would be an open world game, about the last game to have a timer and tell players to hurry up!

Bugsnax certainly is a weird game. When it was part of the PS5 announcement trailer people quickly took note of it because it's such a bizarre choice to put in a launch trailer for the PS5. But pretty much everybody who plays it seems to agree it's really good. It impressed me how well it blends together the totally ridiculous Muppet children's show aesthetic with surprisingly real-feeling character arcs. It gets both surprisingly bitter, but also surprisingly sweet. I recommend it!

And it never stops being amusing to see these Muppet-people throw down such raw dialogue. [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] [LINK]