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Your game is looking very good. It has some very nice interface, especially in the menus, which I think is something that contributes to a game being good.

I've started to make games and digital stuff as well, and you have been a huge source of inspiration for me, both regarding music, the graphics of games and so on.

I'm not as far with it as you are, but slowly learning. Lately I've made my own website, which can be checked out here.


It is one of my earliest attempt at a website and the CSS is not so prettty again, as I'm more of a backend guy than frontend developer. However I thought you migth recognice some of the style, as I've taken inspiration from you.

Looking forward to Atonal Dreams. It is a fresh take on the otherwise somewhat forgotten JRPG genre. I would definately buy it!
Tobias 1104~2Y
Hello, person who I see is also called Tobias??

I had a look at your site, and was really touched to see influences from my own work! I haven't had the time to explore it as thoroughly as I'd like, but I at least listened to some of your music compositions, and they really remind me of the stuff I was doing in the beginning, midi soundfont and all! Really takes me back to a more hopeful and creatively exploratory time in my life... I hope they've been bringing you as much joy as mine have for me, and that you'll keep at it and continue to impress yourself as you develop your skills! You definitely have an innate sense of what sounds good!

I also appreciate that you included an About section so I could find out a little bit about you! (And I notice you like badminton enough to have listed it twice!)