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For 'standard face', something like 'classic staples' sounds a lot more positive. For 'manipulating states', maybe reword it into something like "The relatively fewer, more deliberate battles stress strategy, with a big focus on managing risk and reward.", as that's what a lot of the mechanics amount to.

I think you've also done very impressive things! Few people can claim they've released several games, one that was as popular as MARDEK and one that was developed while recovering from a brain tumour.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the next bit. People saying they're struggling and need help and evoking pity is common to every type of people asking for change. Not much different from big business owners crying into their wads of cash about how hard business has been and how they need lower taxes and bigger bailouts.

The open world thing is something that irks me, as that's the one thing people praise most about it, even through everything about the idea puts me off! Every step away from the grid-based, chunks of content that the old games used to have takes me out of the series.

Enforced positivity, or the compulsive need to 'avoid any and all drama' are pretty common in a lot of fandoms, and it's usually annoying. They stifle interesting and deep conversation, like if someone came into your blog and told you to cheer up and be happy. This happened recently in a Discord server I'm in, where every few hours a person would pop in and complain about how negative and whiny everybody was being, when everybody but him was having a good time.

You've already found the worst offenders with weird evolutions. Not as bad as the gen 8 ones, but I wish the game would help people out with this more. In Black/White 2 there was an NPC you could call who'd flat out tell you whether Pokémon can evolve, and if yes, how. GAME FREAK always does this thing where they put a good idea in their game and then it never comes back!