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Thanks for such a detailed reply! I definitely support your leaning towards Divine Dreams - I hadn't even thought of the connection of using Divine as a verb, which is great now that I see it.

I suppose I don't have the knowledge of where the series was going, but I certainly understand why "ROHOPH" would make sense as a series title. I'd say it's a strange choice because in my mind Rohoph was clearly shaping to be the main antagonist (though I imagine that was your intention), but Lord of the Rings is technically named after the antagonist as well so there's no reason that isn't valid. I always felt that the overarching plot was not just Rohoph's vigilante quest to destroy the rest of the GdM and enforce his views on others, but maybe that events were inevitably spiraling towards a real confrontation between Rohoph and Mardek, which I'd hoped Mardek would have outlasted. Of course, those were only my speculations and hopes for the series. Maybe those notes that you intend to put in the re-release will put some of my mind to rest.
The first paragraph of your answer (Tobias) made me think of a possible "goofy" feature : skills become more powerful if you press CAPS before you select them.
Or maybe it could be buff, like you cast the spell 'CAPS' (or reach a certain level of motivation if you go with emotions) and suddenly for a certain duration all skills' efficiency increase by a percentage, and they are written in caps when you select them: it's not "slash" but "SLASH" or it's not "healing song" but "HEALING SONG".

Though the sillyness of it might make it more consistent with Mardek's 1 chapter childhood period (like chunibyo, when you shout your moves outloud), and i don't know if you'll keep that in the remake.