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I know exactly what you mean right now. Trauma from my previous experience I've mentioned before is keeping me from the game development I'm working on. I can't even come up with a title.

As for social experience, I get it. You want to form a connection with someone, but something is keeping you from completely getting there. It's like there's a signal jammer around you. Even if you find by chance there's a person you feel you could be friends with, something in your mind tells you, "What if I'm wrong? What if they hurt me in response to my kindness?" Well, it might not be exactly like that, but my point is it's hard to break that.

I'm in no position to give you any advice on it, as my mental health also declines as much as it rises. But what I can do is be a person who understands your circumstances and gives you support when you need it. I got your back. And most of the people around here would say the same thing.
Tobias 1102~1Y
I'm sorry to hear that trauma is a barrier for you, too! Sorry for not remembering, but what experience was that that you've mentioned before?

I see a lot of people on Reddit talking about this mental barrier that prevents connection, but that's not the issue I face. It's just extremely rare that I encounter people I feel I'd be compatible with. When I do, I share quickly and easily and close connections develop fast. It's just finding those opportunities in the first place. So much of it is entirely down to random luck.

Though I suppose a big thing for me is that my experiences of dealing with thousands of males and just a handful of females, and having many, many frustrating experiences with the former and way more positive experiences with the latter, have made me reluctant to befriend guys, so maybe that's a similar thing? I'm aware it's unfair and I'm only limiting myself, but it seems to be fairly deeply rooted in my approach to other people at this point.
Luck also has a bit of a hand in it as well. Could it also be that those around have this mental barrier that prevents them from wanting to connect with you? It's a question I think of every now and then. I know of a person who hated my guts and had the barrier around him. He's one of my closest friends now.

I can say I am a bit more balanced in terms of males and females. Meeting both the same amount and having issues with both in the same amount. In the end, your experiences will define the way you believe how things will go.

As for the experience I mentioned, I am referring to when I worked for both groups that you gave your blessing to for continuing Mardek. I can send you a link to the post I wrote about it.