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And we embark on yet another massive scale project that will never be realized. Cut to a year or so from now as you mention in a blog post that it’s a shame Atonal Dreams has been sitting untouched and you may get back to it one day, that you’ve gotten 40% through not-pokemon and you’re feeling burnt out, BUT there’s this great idea for a 3 part epic fantasy saga that you’re gonna work on.

Memodry was a bite sized game that you were able to get through because it was way smaller in scale than your usual projects. Your method of figuring out details and rapidly changing projects on a whim doesn’t lend itself to large scale projects because you’re constantly pivoting and losing dev time because you didn’t plan the details in advance and stick with them.
Tobias 1104~1Y
Thanks for your acerbic contribution, stranger. Such a wonderful and motivating thing to wake up to.

I've stuck with Atonal Dreams for 3 years, and I'm currently reluctant to progress with it because of fears about promotion that are partly due to having to deal with an excessive amount of hostile comments like this in the past. I was hoping to get mental health treatment to help me break through that barrier, but I'm still waiting on it. It seemed wise to use this time working on something, so my mind's turned to a project I've already done a ton of work on which would have a lot of overlap with Atonal Dreams anyway (reusing the monster assets in both).

I know I've not stuck with projects in the past, and I'm more frustrated about that than anyone. But this isn't switching projects "on a whim". I'm just trying to do something worthwhile while I wait.

Things are complicated, life is complicated. I'm doing the best I can, but I'm really struggling just to cope with mental issues these days so it's hardly going to be on par with someone who's got their life sorted out. Contributions like this only erode what motivation I have left.
Ignore comments like that. Keep at it. I think it's a great idea to work on something else while you wait. You should feel proud of yourself for the progress you've made and for doing your best. That's all you can do.