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a wise man once said:
"It's easier to fool a man, then to prevent the man from being fooled"

Honest Guide, a Youtuber, made a video on tourist scams, where there were scammers that would change really high prices for highway tolls, even though tourists could actually pay the toll themselves by using an official website.

the Youtuber wanted to point this out to tourists, saying they could pay the toll themselves for a cheap price at the official site, but tourists were rellucant to use the official site since they though the scammers were legit, and thus paid a high fee to the scammers, even though all the scammers did was pay the toll for these tourists using the official site.

Humans are reluctant to accept ideas that goes against their beliefs, even if those ideas end up being right.

Depending on your country, it can be really difficult to find friends after school.

in my country, once people graduate from college, its incrediby hard to make friends, since people here keep more to themselves, and don't really open up to other people, making it difficult to make friends by going out.

From what I heard, people in Australia for example are more down to earth, and easier to approach.

In my experience, bonding over shared mental ilness struggles has certain problems which I'd rather not talk about publicly