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Tobias 1104~10M
It's a combination of not feeling my music is conventional/worthy enough (which is half negative bias and half awareness of my limitations and industry standards), and not knowing how to do that. Probably involves social ~networking~ and such which I'm obviously reluctant to do.

One of the things I wondered about with this channel is whether someone might contact me asking if they could buy the rights to use something I'd uploaded, in which case that could be the start of a journey. More luck of it than just keeping to myself here, at least.

There's fiverr, where people sell things like their composing skills, and I actually wondered whether I could hire someone from there to play these since I can't myself and people do care about performance. But all the accounts I saw were people who clearly lived for music. Profiles with photos of them sitting at grand pianos at the concerts they perform, listing their degrees from fancy music conservatories, etc. Intimidating.