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Comment from: GRIS
I've been consuming some philosophical concepts lately, and the feeling you describe resembles a lot like the concept of "Sublime" in philosophy, that is, the state of mind of someone faced with something so large (either beautiful or horrifying) that it makes one feel small; it is usually ascribed a humbling quality.

I like this concept: it explains a vague feeling that's not "rationally" anything specific, but which is very real.

The "Sublime" page on wikipedia has this picture, which I find impressive:

(apparently # and () should be allowed in a URL regex)

"Sublime" is often either associated with existential horror or divine interventions - especially the kind that are difficult to make sense of, but have great emotional impacts regardless. It's almost always associated with scale, which is interesting, because GRIS has lots of very large assets.

PS: New account, because apparently I didn't use any of my regular passwords, and I can't reset it!
Tobias 1104~4Y
I just added a password recovery page the other day, as it happens! I haven't added a public link to it though. It's here, if you want to get your old account back: [LINK]

That's an interesting concept that reminds me of awe in the spiritual sense, which I came across a lot - and directly experienced - during my ~spiritual awakening~ and subsequent spirituality binge few years back. I suspect it's different though, less necessarily positive; I'll have to look into it more myself. I feel it's relevant to feelings I want to inspire with parts of Divine Dreams.

With GRIS in particular, it didn't necessarily fill me with that kind of feeling, though I can understand how it potentially could. I suppose it all depends on the state of mind you're in when you experience them! Personally this particular thing felt less like beholding the staggering grandeur of the divine and more like engaging in cosy contemplation. Still spiritual, if not on so grand a scale.