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Comment from: Music Therapy
Glad that things are looking up. I remember watching a video from a psychologist who talks about how one of the ways that help treat Depression is to do more things. The context assumes that the person has chosen to drop stuff off their plate because of uncontrollable external things. The flawed idea to drop things is that the tital number of things decreased so it would be easier to manage fewer things. However, the irony is that the ratio of contollable things and thing out of their control now skews towards the things out of their control and so it leads to Depression since there are fewer thing to look foreward to. The way to help would be to add more things that the person can control to lessen the Depression.

In your recent posts, I get the feeling that there's more excitement/positive energy in your words. Maybe there's something to adding things that you are able to do is helping your mood?

It's interesting that skills learned when younger can still show even when out of practice. I had played the recorder and flute when I was younger, but I don't think I can quite as quickly learn a new instrument since I don't intuitivly connect with music the same way you do. I do think I can stil play one song off from memory but that may be from the constant practice of a particular parade song that the school did every year.

It's great that you are finding ways to take initiative with the anxiety of going to new places. Initial steps help make the path easier to travel the next time.
Tobias 1104~9M
I would have assumed that suggesting a depressed person do more things would be like suggesting someone with a broken leg should go for a run, or something? Because in my case at least, depression prevents action even if the desire to do things is there.

A big point of frustration for me is feeling stuck, or lost, and not knowing how to get out of the pit I'm in, and I've (perhaps naively) tied my hopes to getting counselling since that'd at least be an excuse to get out of the house every week. So hearing some development about that is probably the reason for me sounding more excited, if I do! Though it really depends on the day, the mental weather. I've not been great over the weekend.

It took me by surprise that I was able to pick up this tin whistle so easily! Though it's very simple and straightforward, I suppose. I'm terrible at memorising anything though (making Memody didn't work to magically cure my memory abilities??), so if you can remember something from years ago, I'm impressed by and envy that!