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Comment from: Post-Event Rumination
Tobias 1104~3M
Ha, I don't even remember what you said in your other comment! Much like how the tutor didn't remember what I said and was cringing about during the class. Nobody cares about what we do nearly as much we ourselves do. Though knowing that and 'believing' it are very different things, of course.

(While I don't remember what you said in your comment, I also don't remember having a negative reaction to it, which I would if I'd had one. For what that's worth. I have no negative feelings about this one I'm replying to, either!)

Having a support network is really important for enduring the slings and arrows life and our minds cast against us, but my biggest problem is that I don't really have one. I have a couple of friends, but we rarely talk. One agreed to do a video call before the first class - to my surprise - and that helped, but she still hasn't replied to the message I sent her after I got back, and I haven't heard from the other in weeks.

Being so cut off is a nightmare because I don't have anyone else to calibrate my thoughts with, and I don't get reassurance that my approach is acceptable. My biggest hope for this class has been that I could meet someone there to fill the void, but no luck yet. Though it's still very early days.
Ah, that makes sense. I have a few people in my life, but I can talk to them pretty often. I'm sorry you have to be alone. That sounds pretty difficult.

I remember my counselors telling me about meetup groups for people with similar mental health issues. I don't know if they have that for people with anxiety or AvPD, but it would make a lot of sense in my opinion. Maybe you can look for something like that or ask a counselor if they know of anything like that.
Tobias 1104~3M
Isolation ravages the mind, and it's the crux of most of my issues these days. I've spent much of my life trying to escape it with much more failure than success.

I tried many meetup groups in the past, including anxiety support groups. I was always the youngest one in the group by decades; everyone else was married and employed.
I wish I had better advice then, but I guess I don’t.

I do relate, though. My friends are basically my family (which is large-ish), and other than that I have one friend who I rarely talk to. There are a few non-family who I know, but we never really talk. I wish I had more connections, hence why I reach out on Reddit and YouTube sometimes. There’s the option to write about a fantastical friendship group that I probably will never get to have in reality, which maybe I can still do. I feel I’m not very creative with the story-writing, though, but it’s something I want to do.

Hopefully I’m not talking about myself too much. Just wanted to say I think I get at least some of what you’re going through. Maybe even a lot of it. And I wish you well, however that may display itself.