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Most days my mom wakes me up, but I suppose it's not that different from waking up by an alarm.

The screenshot is from Telepath Tactics yes! Honestly I would say the graphical style is less than the sum of its parts, I like the spritework but it doesn't really mesh well together into a whole quite like Taming Dreams does for example. The graphical style is often mentioned in reviews though, and not often positively! The portrait art in particular seems to get a lot of flak, but I actually really like the portraits myself, my issue is more with the small size of the units which hides their well-made and well-animated sprites and the repetitive design of the tilesets. [LINK]

The video is basically an explanation of where cancel culture comes from, how it evolved, how it functions, how it can be broken down into several components (presumption of guilt, abstraction of the accusation, accusation against action transforms into accusation against the person, pseudo-moralistic reasoning, no forgiveness/second chances, cancellations can latch on to supporters/friends, with us or against us mentality) as well as being an account from someone who was cancelled herself. So it is generally against it.

Canceling strikes me as a general human construct within safe spaces of like-minded people rather than necessarily a progressive thing, that's clearly just politicking on Peterson's part and the sort of thing why people are so skeptical about the things he says!

One's just as likely to be cancelled, cast out, mocked, berated and branded a betrayer for being out of line among conservative groups. It happens to conservative media figures who take a progressive view on a topic, but also in facebook groups or in close-knit town communities and the like, it's not just a Twitter thing, though Twitter definitely enables it on both sides.

It's definitely not just an age thing either, I wouldn't be surprised to see this sort of thing happening among middle aged people or even in retirement homes! Some people never grow out of bad habits, especially if they're reinforced to do it their whole life.

I do understand what you mean though, I've gotten into arguments about the topic myself where I've defended someone while being in the minority opinion on the topic and it feels really overwhelming. It's an unenviable position and leaves lingering worries you might be next.

I remember all the hassle that was made over ratings and whatnot, how having a cyan orb was basically a sign that branded you as part of the special privileged few. The upper class. The elite. Obsessing over getting anything below a cyan because it might hurt your average and, gasp, knock you down to blue!! Absurd to think back about, of course.

I do actually remember the conversations about the word hate being used as the contrast for like instead of dislike, I might have made that point myself at times, even. I do think you've grown a lot since then, though!

You don't have to immediately jump into Undertale! Maybe post a shortlist next week of games that stuck out to you as especially interesting and see whether any commenters can help pick one. Or just make a poll on Twitter, I suppose! Funny thing, a lot of Patreon accounts actually have a certain tier above which Patrons can vote from a list on what games/movies the account runner should stream/play/watch next.
Tobias 1104~4Y
That screenshot doesn't blow me away with its amazingness, which again gives me hope that what I'm able to make will be good enough even if it's not exactly on the level of a professionally-made thing! (Though I am wondering how different his approach and outlook are to mine, and whether what he's making is more appealing or Kickstarter-friendly than what I'm making... I suppose we'll have to wait and see.)

One of the parts of my psychology course was Social Psychology, and group identity and allegiances are really the main part of that. Group memberships can form incredibly easily, and behaviours towards in-group and out-group members form just as easily. An example might be a classroom full of children who are sorted into two groups based on coin flips; the 'Heads' would tend to treat other 'Heads' more nicely than usual, while 'Tails' might be dehumanised to a degree, all based on absolutely nothing.

I'll keep that video bookmarked for if I ever find the time, though I suspect a lot of what it talks about is what I covered on that course. 'Cancelling', or group rejection, frustrates me not because of any particular political views - and I don't assume it's done only by any particular group! - but because treating others as Others rather than fellow humans, rejecting them rather than caring about their wellbeing, just feels so wrong to me. Though when it's done by people who claim to champion compassion, open-mindedness, and inclusiveness, maybe that seems doubly wrong?

I think I'll include a list and maybe a poll of games on my Weekly Update post tomorrow, since I still haven't played anything since GRIS! Seems such a weird world though where people will consider it a paid privilege to be able to partly decide in what some other person chooses to play!