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Would you consider uploading any of those sol files to dropbox or something? I'd love to play around with them. I've dabbled in soledit but I've never done anything like add other playable characters.
Sure, I also added a couple new characters too. like these: [LINK] . Unfortunately they do not have any skills, since it seemed it was never programmed in the game, unlike for Aalia and Bartholio, which you can control at the end too.

I use this tool for .sol [LINK] . As other tools makes my Mardek saves be called "undefined" and I am not sure what else it may have done wrong. Also with this many characters, adding a couple new ones is pretty undo-able through the .sol editing tool I use as it reloads every new change I do which takes a couple of minutes. To battle this I use a HEX editor instead [LINK] and copy any existing character in my party and change variables accordingly (changing a variable value doesn't make the .sol editor tool reload the tree-like structure it as it already exists).

Anyway, here are my .sol files [LINK]