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Tobias 1104~4Y
Looks like Celeste's topped the list, so I'll probably play that next... though it's only marginally less intimidating than Undertale because of how people have gushed about how well it explores the mental health themes. If more people had felt that way about Sindrel Song, it'd feel like looking at an alternate perspective by a peer, but now it just feels like looking at a more broadly appealing approach than I took myself. Oh well, I'm obviously not going to be able to appeal to people if I avoid things that do it well! That's stupid.

I have now quit that gacha game! Already it feels like a huge weight's lifted. I've been meaning to for ages, but I kept telling myself I should keep playing at least until I get the ball rolling with Divine Dreams so then I could be inspired by its turn-based mechanics. I used to play the very similar Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes before Marvel Strike Force, and when I quit that, I barely even thought about it afterwards; now I can hardly remember it. I'd hate to make a game that took so much of the player's time and left so faint a mark in their mind.

I think I might start a Discord server sooner rather than later, now that I won't have messages for that game popping up constantly... Maybe I should get my Patreon up and running again very soon too. Hmm. Reading some stuff about Craig Stern in another comment made the idea of a Kickstarter far more intimidating; maybe that's not the way for me to go. I'll need to give it some thought.

I've never watched Bob's Burgers, but I think I should! Or is it full of gory violence, like Rick and Morty is?? Doesn't seem like it'd fit with the setting at all, but it also seems like every adult cartoon I see these days is!
Good on you for quitting that gacha game! The hard part is taking the first step, once you actually stop playing though it's surprisingly easy to keep not playing it. Personally I have much more respect for games that don't waste the player's time than games that do! Yet it also seems to be good business for freemium games to do exactly that, waste people's time and offer them a shortcut by paying money...

There's no gore in Bob's Burgers! I don't think there's even any explicit content of any kind, they don't use the big swear words, there's no slurs, no violence or blood, or any adult body parts for that matter. I do think you'd like the show, it's very witty and it hasn't fallen off in quality despite being in its 10th season now. I'd much rather people watched shows like this instead of Rick & Morty or South Park or Deathkill Chihuahua Gorefest Sexinator!