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I'm not much of a fan of FF, so my answer might be lacking, but I will try!
Is this remake a disconnected story/style? because if it's its own thing, then it would be kind of random to have that title (In my opinion). It would come off as a marketing strategy, like... "Hey, let's name it Final Fantasy to catch the attention of the FF fanbase under that illusion, someone will take the bait eventually".
Now if the game is somewhat connected to the original storyline/style and you can kind of tell it is that franchise by looking at it, then yes it makes a lot more sense to be titled that.

However (and this is personal preference mostly) I'm the type that likes to see stories end at some point. I am not a big fan of a lot of the big titles in term of games (or even shows) because they keep milking them non stop, release after release... and it gets a tad tiring for me. It reaches a point where I can not detect much love for the creation anymore and it feels like a cash cow in its majority.

As for your own game, I think you did the right thing at giving it its own title if it's a reimagined story. It allows the people to choose what to follow then.
Tobias 1104~4Y
From what I've seen, the Final Fantasy VII Remake is essentially the same story, but modernised, kind of like how the various Marvel films were essentially the same stories as the comics but less cheesy and more 'realistic'. Or something.

I saw a video the other day that talked about a 'forgotten' Pokemon clone series (I can't remember the name and I'd never heard of it before) that the video creator considered a failure because it 'only' had a few games rather than carrying on into eternity like Pokemon. It stuck with me because I thought I'd hate to just be stuck with the same series - or worse, the same story - forever, and would rather let things reach a natural conclusion before they grow too stale. That's what I'm planning with this.