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To be fair, those models and areas look really gorgeous! I especially like how the water looks. However, when it comes to movement, I believe it should be limited - even to the grid-style movement you have mentioned, with jumping being enabled only in certain places. It would not only make it easier for you, but also it would not confuse the player as much. Too much possibilities is sometimes unnecessary, especially when it encourages the players to jump/run around corners of the map mindlessly instead of focusing on the progress (also it would force you to predict movements of the player to prevent them from bugging everywhere). It would still allow for some secrets being hidden on the maps, and I believe it would also make them less tedious to find. Also, when it comes to map generation itself I'm more of a "I can't see what's coming next and I don't like that!" guy. In my opinion, and I think some would agree, the fact that you are surrounded by a massive world is an important part of RPG experience. For example, in original MARDEK one of the biggest things that kept me immersed (next to music, of course) were the zones that spread out as far as the camera could reach - and it's the same for many other RPGs that I've played. I hope that you will consider some of my rambling, even if it will result just in making generated maps a little bigger.
However, I completely agree that it is fitting for drealm (maybe even with more sparkly effects to highlight it). It would also clearly separate it from the "real world", don't you agree? Also, how much backtracking will you keep from MARDEK, if I can ask?
Tobias 1104~4Y
I'm replying now, but I read this last night, and it and another comment convinced me to remove jumping entirely! I'd still like to add character field skills, but I'll need to give some thought to what they could possibly be. Suggestions are welcome, but I suppose they'd be tough since only I know the characters at this point!

I definitely appreciate the desire to have a vast world surrounding you to get immersed in. It's important, so I've been thinking about it a lot while making this. It's tricky coming up with a solution which is easy enough for me to develop and which doesn't present a bunch of technical issues, though.

I did make the world chunks a little bit bigger today: [LINK]

But I know it's not a huge difference. I'll need to keep experimenting with it!
I know it might sound strange, but I really liked map boundaries in MARDEK - for example, simple masses of trees or rocks. I don't know, just being next to those borders really made me feel that something is really there, but I just can't see it. All of this despite the fact that they are just copied and pasted trees. Of course, now if you decided to go with similar thing you could make it tiny bit more detailed (nothing serious, just throw a rock in between trees or something) so its not that repetitive. I just think that it would be the best option to build "real world" in a standard, everything-is-visible format and leave procedural generation for more dreamy encounters. This would allow you to keep "vast land" feeling and highlight weirdness of drealm at the same time - two birds with one stone, if you ask me! Of course, its just my silly suggestion. I didn't really considered issues it would cause, but I look forward to your response regardless.
Tobias 1104~4Y
I definitely get the wide, immersive feeling of seeing hints of the world beyond where you're exploring, but the problem with this is that I'd have to make all these non-accessible areas manually, taking into consideration the 3D angling that reveals a lot more of the distant world than the top-down 2D did, and the fact that drawing a whole bunch of stuff would dramatically increase the number of polygons on screen, possibly causing slowdown.

I might have a think about other possibilities, like having low-poly 'background' meshes or something. The main reason I wanted to stick with the chunks thing was to avoid that challenge, but I think it might be worth at least experimenting with other possibilities. Maybe.
It would be great! Even if it's just meshes you mentioned, I believe it is worth a try! In fact, I think it would have been more than enough. Also, 3D angling does reveal a lot - but you can still play with the perspective. Maybe you could change the angle so it's more... from the top? (I don't know how to explain it properly. Hopefully you will understand what I mean).
Just a thought I've had while reading this reply: Maybe you don't need to really make the areas beyond? As in, you could use the trees and rocks, as talked before, but you could also use some kind of fog, that get's stronger and stronger until you can't see much, meaning you'd only get vague outlines and it wouldn't stretch as far as the player can normally see with the angle. It's also possible to make it some kind of picture that changes slightly with the angling, but this could be hard to do, dependind on methods. I still prefer the smaller rooms, but just throwing ideas your way.