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Tobias 1104~4Y
That's quite amazing! Though a bit envy-inducing if you had one without even putting much deliberate effort in! (Especially since I've not had another this week.)

It's interesting that your dream was set in a familiar waking environment. There's a thing called 'false awakenings' where it feels as if you've woken up, because everything seems normal, but you're actually still dreaming, and have to wake up again. I wonder if this was something similar? I've experienced that a few times randomly, and it's very surreal. Some people have chains of them where they have to awaken multiple times before they reach what we consider reality. Maybe we're all still sleeping, though!

Hopefully the hand reality check will trigger more lucid dreams in future for both of us! Thanks for sharing!
I don't expect it to happen again anytime soon; maybe I have interesting dreams every couple months, and most of them are so "not about me" that I'm not even in them (it's like I'm watching a movie), so I doubt I can break out of those in a lucid way.

Waking up in a dream has happened to me occasionally, although there are two instances that I particularly remember and they were a long time ago.

One was having a dream where my brother had bought new video games (!!!), but I woke up, disappointed that he hadn't, asked my brother if he had bought any games, and he looked at me perplex... then I woke up again, wondering whether I'd actually checked that the video games had been bought (they hadn't). The meta-realism of that dream really messed with my perception of what really happened, that day (I wasn't sure for a while whether I'd asked my brother about the games; I hadn't!).

Another time, I remember having some dream I don't remember, and then waking up in the dark of the night, sitting on the piano bench, realizing I'd likely sleepwalked up to the bench (I was nervous at the thought of having played piano in the night and waking my parents up), although THEN I really woke up, and I'd never sleepwalked at all.

There's a happening I also very clearly remember, but it's not quite a dream thing. When I was a kid, I really REALLY loved the fruity rolls (obscenely sweet, really tasty), and my parents had bought some that day, and I was excited to eat some for desert... but then I had a sinking feeling: if I shut my eyes or as much as blinked, I would "blip" out of consciousness. The memories are likely altered by time, now, but I don't remember feeling sleepy at all (it wasn't late), and I remember fighting off the idea of blinking so I could have a fruity roll before going to bed. Of course, I blinked... and then I woke up 7 hours later in the dark of the night, in my bed, with a passing frustration and a relative confusion. I asked my parents what had happened, and they told me to go back to sleep. Weird stuff.