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I like the map style!
I feel the menu system doesn't fit with the overall aesthetic of the overworld and conversation system, the latter looks like a PC game but the menu system gives off a 'mobile game' vibe.
I don't have any suggestions tho! Maybe it's completely fine and I'm just nitpicking because there isn't anything egregrious to say about it, ha!

The battle system was the heart of Mardek, so in any case it should still be fun to play. I'm a bit skeptical of the changes but I'll trust you'll keep the overall system fun yeah!

Hyped for more!
Tobias 1104~4Y
I'm curious about your use of 'mobile game' here. Do you dislike mobile games, or anything that brings them to mind? And if so, why?

Also, do you think that the menus from Breath of the Wild and Pokemon Sword and Shield - which I compared mine to in the post - look like mobile games? If not, why not?