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I really like the sound of these new mechanics you're putting into the game, especially the idea of capturing essences! Skill progression may be a bit tricky with fixed enemy counts, though I think a "special" dungeon with randomized encounters could be a good way to allow for some degree of grinding if a player really wants to upgrade a skill. Alternatively, there could be a "sparring/training" mechanic where teams of party members fight each other (or even groups of monsters whose essences you have captured) where you could test out and master skills, which might be a "neater" way to do things without compromising on the fixed-enemy concept. I don't think an overworld with randomized enemy encounters would be a good idea, though- I think random encounters, if any, should be voluntary, as much of the frustration inherent in them is that as you're walking to and from destinations you get interrupted by battles you may not necessarily want to fight.

As for completionism- is there any intention to make "special" content for a 100% run, like a "true" end or bonus content? The idea of capturing all the various essences of monsters does seem like it could have some thematic resonance to it.
Tobias 1104~4Y
I'm no fan of any kind of random battles, so I'm not planning to include those in any capacity! Currently what I have in mind is having monsters appear on the field like Pokemon trainers, and if they spot you, a battle begins against them. If I do include an overworld, then battles won't be random; they'll just refresh, unlike dungeons' battles (unless dungeons' monsters did refresh as 'ghostly' versions you could choose to re-battle or not).

I am a fan though of post-game content, and consider it a disappointment when there isn't any. I like games where you can exceed 100% completion, so I'll be keeping that in mind! Everything takes time and effort though, and I don't want to get carried away with that sort of stuff if it'll delay release. We'll have to see whether I can spare the time for it (or maybe if I do a Kickstarter, it could be something the stretch goals could be for.)
I'm very glad you're planning to ditch the random battles - they're one of the things about JRPGs that I really don't get, they either happen too often (when you want to travel) or not often enough (when you want to farm or fight) so changing to a fixed but respawning system seems like a great improvement. Of course, because there won't be traditional levels, there's also not the need to grind. Everybody wins!

And yes, post-game/sidequest content is the best. It doesn't even need to be too much for this first chapter - a single boss or dungeon would likely suffice, maybe a little quest if you're feeling spicy. Mardek 3 had a plethora of side content which was *wonderful* but you can save that for the second and third chapters.
When it comes to starting encounters, I think the system used in Deltarune would fit. Also, do you plan to include varying difficulty modes? I think it's nice to have an option in this matter!
Tobias 1104~4Y
I've never played that, how does it work? (I probably should, but I've been putting off Undertale for ages for reasons I've talked about before in this blog.) I've given no thought to details like difficulty, so we'll see!
In Deltarune all the mobs basically exist on the field, and when you are near them they run to you and once they catch you the encounter begins. Sometimes it allows to completely evade fighting, but most of time they catch you no matter what you do. (Also, why have you been putting off Undertale? I can't seem to find the blog where you explained it. Is it because of the fandom?)
Tobias 1104~4Y
Have you ever done any creative stuff yourself? A common thing among creators is comparing ourselves to others on similar paths; if you ever see two artists drawing together, it's really obvious they're constantly comparing their work and that the one who considers themselves 'worse' feels absolutely terrible about it.

There's more I don't know about Undertale than I do know, but one thing that I know is how enormously successful it is, and I've been told it's similar in a lot of ways to what I've tried to make myself. But obviously I've not been successful. So playing it for me would be a reminder about my own relative failures, and that's an emotionally difficult thing.

My perspective's changed since I started making my own games; I can't really see any as just a player anymore! There's always the comparison.