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Wow, this all looks great! Especially the lighting and visual effects look quite impressive! I also like the way the camera pans into certain "rooms" rather than just scrolling - which allows for a "diorama" sort of feeling, as you mentioned before. The only thing from my "first impressions" which I find somewhat jarring is the effect of rooms appearing and disappearing - it looks cool, sure, but its flashyness takes the focus off of the room itself (and it might get annoying, since the rooms are quite small and you're probably going to move between them a lot). I would probably prefer to just have the effect of the camera readjusting to direct the focus towards each room, and just have the others slightly out of view. It might also work better to just have the other rooms slowly fading out rather than this big flashy effect.
Tobias 1104~4Y
Something that I forgot to mention in this post is that I've settled on two different camera modes: there's a 'god's eye view', which focuses on the rooms and makes the others disappear with this effect, and there's an 'adventurer view' which has a closer following camera and disables the room hiding effect. It's a bit odd though because it means you can effectively see through walls to other rooms towards the north.
Yeah, this angle is a bit odd. The fact that you can see one or even two rooms ahead of you might ruin the surprise. Maybe it should be adjusted a bit, even if only within interior areas like caves.