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From the way how I see it, I think that most people are making a comment on how it reminds them how it looks like a mobile game with the menues, not nessesarily the game as a whole. I think a way to alleviate the worry about ckmparison to mobile games would be to show that tuere can be complexity. ~

I think Pokemon would be a good example of a game that has simplified controls but has a layer of complexity. If one really thinks about it Pokemon is essentially a more complex form of Rock Paper Scissors with hp bars. Furthermore, if you take the competitive scene for pokemon then it becomes even more complex with needing to factor in Natures, EV's, IV's, Hidden abilities, and even weight. Now, the main games doesn't need all of those to beat the game, but for the competitive people all of those are necessary in order to win against other people who have used the above to their advantage.

On a tangent, I don't think having a 3 stats to affect the player is a bad thing. Elder Scrolls Online (I'm ignoring the argument that it's an mmorpg with a Skyrim skin) simplified their stats so that you only have Heamth, Stamina, and Magika. However that game has the complexity with the skills and champion points to really customize the player.