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Tobias 1102~4Y
I haven't even tried to name the dreamcatcher spider yet, but I'm likely going to use it, so I'll give that some thought! I should totally just go with Spidreamcatcher. Clever.

Poteggenie is very much a plaholder name; it's really ugly and, like you said, the g's aren't the same. I need a better name for that!

I'm not trying to be too obscure with the names, but I am trying to use portmanteaus since the alternative ("Blade Bee") feels too bland, and sometimes no better alternatives present themselves. If there was a great way to combine the words 'dagger' and 'wasp', I'd gladly use that! Instead I went with the (sort of) synonyms 'vespidae' and 'dirk' since nothing else came to mind.

I suppose a lot of Pokemon names are like this too. I mentioned Arcanine and the pronunciation "ARCA-nine" in this post; I suppose a lot of people don't understand that it's a blend of arcane + canine. Something that's been stuck in my head for a few days actually is reading the Bulbapedia entry for Blacephalon, specifically the name origin. It accurately said it's based on blast + cephalon (head), but there was also a bit about how maybe it's based on a distortion of 'face + balloon', because its head blows up. Bizarre, but it made me wonder how many people unfamiliar with the word 'cephalon' read that name as "blace-fallon" and assume it's something like that (or aren't even aware it's based on actual words at all).

(Also, I don't think Blacephalon is a good name at all.)

I'll be trying to come up with the most accessible names possible, so hopefully I'll be able to in most cases! I really like Buddhafly for this reason. That's such an amazingly elegant fit.