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Tobias 1104~4Y
When I first decided to devote my life to sitting in my room making games, it felt great to have what felt like a long, long holiday... but it really does take its toll on you. It's why I had to give it up a while back. The whole pandemic thing's certainly rushing the process for everyone now though... I'm wondering how long it'll be until everyone's insane!

I feel sort of embarrassed about Sindrel Song, or rather worried about what the hivemind might make of it, or something. Maybe I shouldn't be, I don't know. I'll probably re-release the old MARDEK soon though. That "spreading the curve" concept is interesting if true; I got the impression it was more common to just pin everything on release week, and for the sales graphs to be L-shaped with a small tall start and a long flat plateau... I remember reading that Flappy Bird was completely unknown until a few months after its release though, when it blew up, but I suppose cases like that are rare!