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Servants of God isn't a free game, so I suspect that kept it from getting big like its peers (MARDEK, Sonny, Epic Battle Fantasy) around the same time did.

Sadly this is the only time the dialogue trees get this extensive, most other boss battles can't be avoided by talking it out, at most you can choose to talk or to just get right down to battling.

It's weird to me that they didn't have an English version of the site, I just had google autotranslate the site's text to Dutch for me. There's a big, green download button on the main page that downloads the launcher .exe file.

I think the last time I played a vanilla Pokémon game was Pokémon Y. I'm not sure if I could even go back to playing them that way after getting used to playing romhacks and all the conveniences that come with playing on PC!

This game is easily my favourite set of fakemon I've seen! They even all have full Sugimori-style artwork alongside gen 5-style animated 2D sprites and backsprites in battle. Apparently the project took 5 years to make, I'm impressed how much effort they put into something entirely free! [LINK]

The human character designs are also quite neat overall, I like how many characters have outfits inspired by Pokémon, which is something I think the main series should do more considering how central Pokémon are the human culture.

The translation's probably the weakest element of the game, there's a lot of instances of clumsy wording and sometimes sentences that just don't really make sense. One particularly amusing example is there being a character with the name "Wallace Daddy", who usually gets referred to by just his surname. This predictably leads to some bizarre dialogue! [LINK]

The translation also has a bit of anime subbing syndrome where the translation is more coarse than the original Italian version, it's never worse than characters saying words like "damn" or "bastard", but it doesn't really fit the tone of the series.