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So, I actually have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, and I relate to that to an extent, the irrational like sort of fear that things will go wrong, even some really small and minor things, and you know how I deal with that? I just do them (with a lot of planning before! so I feel secure), even if I am extremely uncomfortable and think it will suck, it generally does not and even if it does, in a few days I'll forget it (thank you human brain!), and if I don't forget it, generally there is a good reason for that right? that is how the brain is supposed to work or something???
That tweet is rather relatable to me because I am someone who likes to plan my entire day and be sure about things, so I will not commit to doing something that will spend a lot of time before, pretty obvious, but there are a few... lifehacks I found to deal with some extremely stressful stuff, such as having a really weird sleep schelude to spend time sleeping before like one or two hours before an activty I have to do, while this has negative impacts it makes my day feel way better.

Also when there is something I can do later, while I naturally want to do it later and procrastinate it, I just do it, it is like turning the "fuck it" mode, and after things go right it gets way better.
Since I've been doing this for a few years of course my anxiety is way more controlled now, but a few years ago it was really bad, not THAT bad but still bad.

But see, anxiety is actually not that bad, there is a line where I physically cannot do some things out of fear, and this line is actually good! Like I'd like to go and do some really fucked up things which I don't because of anxiety! and it also makes me overthink basically all situations which often gives me an advantage in them and makes me sort of confident in my plan when the time for such things actually comes, it is very interesting.
There is also another weird thing with anxiety, in situations basically everybody is anxious, I generally am anxious but way more controlled than others, because I am used to feeling anxious, this only really works alone tho, when other people are around for some reason I get way more anxious and this is very irrational but I generally am better off alone and don't really like teamwork and such, maybe because of this but it works really well.

But in situations other people break I perform super well, and I think that happens because of anxiety, so it ends up being kinda good?

Anyway the key with anxiety I've found is that, experience is key, doing anything for the first time will make me extremely, EXTREMELY anxious, because not knowing something really bothers me, and having to do something I don't know anything about is probably the thing I hate the most, but after doing it for three times it generally is way, way better.
I think my life choices also helped me with dealing with this, from the military to some hobbies like competitive gaming or playing very complicated music live, very stressful situations that after I get used to I perform extremely well.

Anyway, I had a shih tzu back in the day, died around two years ago, every time I think of something like that I try to remember that quote, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" or something, if you ever feel lonely animals have really helped me, there is not much that can go wrong right?

Also employment is not that huge of a deal, I also sort of feared it before but after you get a job you realize it is not that huge of a deal, because you will be doing basically the same thing everyday so it is very predictable and it sort of gets very comfortable.

Also about payments and such, I'm in military service and I don't even get paid, fun right? I also cannot legally get a job because of this, even more fun right? and the interesting part is that there are so many people who are way, way more fucked than me in my country, because at least I am from a middle class family right, a lot of people who are in the exact same situation as me have to spend a lot of money with transport and other things for military service, but are from poor families and they also do not get paid and cannot get a job, super cool!

About forums, people don't really use random forums that much anymore, Reddit sort of took over, only very few people, which is sad because smaller forums in my opinion were more fun than these big anonymous community ones.

Anyway, try to get out of your comfort zone! turns out the world out there is not that bad after you're sort of forced to face it, so maybe try to put yourself in a situation that forces it? I mean naturally that will probably come, after you see it is not that bad you might be able to force yourself to do more things maybe? I don't know, but well, good luck I guess?
Tobias 1104~3Y
It's great that you've developed strategies for pushing through anxiety that sound like they're working for you, but sadly it's not that simple for some of us. Personality, upbringing, and circumstance make a huge difference.

A few years ago, I felt like I'd tasted spiritual enlightenment and that my mental issues were a thing of the past. I got very much out of my comfort zone and made major life changes, which led to me making friends, embarrassing myself, finding out I had brain cancer, and attempting suicide twice.

So it's not as if I'm starting from square one. I've tried stuff in the past, I've just unfortunately fallen back and I'm currently in the process of rethinking things.