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I love the way how Elwyen's part of the story plays out. Adding the symbolism on top of it becamethe cherry on top. If there are multiple encounters, maybe the bosses will be slightly different in form. I'm thinking that if the players do defeat the monster, the next time the exact same creature shows up, then the players expect the exact similar or exactly the same way of taking it down.

If the players face the unwinnable plot battles then the same creature can work again. The God Cat unwinnable plot battles from ebf 4 come to mind. Though the two encounters were with the holy and demonic sides of God Cat so there was a visual difference.

Maybe multiple times can have the "personal demon" evolve like a pokemon. And irl personal demons do grow and change.

I think that the battles with the "personal demon" works best with the per situational battle mechanics. Since there is some parralells to social interactions, facing ones fears with people is some what different when those fears manifest while alone.

I can see reasons on why the "personal demon" says the same. Firstly less time spent on more art assests the better. Secondly, if people know that the "personal demon" means shite's about to hit the fan, then the player will feel that dread.
Tobias 1104~4Y
I can definitely understand the appeal of an evolving nightmare, different every time you see it, but you hit the nail on the head with the bit about time spent on art assets! Reusing things might evoke feelings of familiarity, so it could work. Though everything's still in the relatively early planning stages currently, so we'll have to see how everything works out!

Some of the nightmare battles in my current plan are unwinnable, though, with defeating the nightmare being an important end goal. Though too many unwinnable battles wouldn't really be fun, of course.